Fast, quality album art

Click 'create' to make AI album art. When you're satisfied with your generated album art, view digital download & canvas options.

AI-generated abstract paintings

The #1 album art generator on the internet

Looking for a sleek, high quality album art generator for your next drop? Our advanced AI produces stunning quality art every time, whether you're an artist, producer, or label.

0 art skills required

You don't need to hire expensive artists anymore. Make your own album art with our state-of-the-art AI art generator.

Affordable album art

Our high quality digital downloads are significantly cheaper than most album art commissions. We offer bulk discounts for prominent artists.

Unique generations

Our AI album art generator makes unique album art every time. Add character to your albums with novel, creative artwork.

Album art generator
now for everyone

What people are saying

The brushstrokes are so realistic, it looks like a real painting made by a professional artist! Love this and would definitely recommend buying one.

testimonial Zak B. 346800: Canvas art

Came 3 days early, exceptional quality and vibrant colors. I was hesitant because this is sort of a new thing but the sheer beauty of the AI is amazing.

testimonial Reiner D'Souza 345236: Framed poster

As a digital artist, the fact that this was made by AI is incredible. Absolute top quality and the colors are perfect for NFTs. I liked the old generator but the new one is even better.

testimonial Jonathan C. 341360: Digital download

I never expected a piece of artificially generated art to connect and resonate with me. Once I saw the created piece, I knew I had to have it. The canvas arrived quickly and looked exactly as I hoped!

testimonial Jacob K. 344080: Canvas art

Create one-of-a-kind
AI album art